Tuesday, 16 August 2011


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             If you can remeber how you use to dream when you was a little children.
I use to dream of being president, reverend father, medical doctor etc.As i became older i used to dream how i would be a famous musican michael jackson. So iused to imagine what is going to take me to be like michael jackson. I was not alone. Virtually all my childhood friend had one big dream or the other of becoming the best in life. Now i hear my junior one talking about being  doctor, enginner, lawyer. But one thing strange with children is that they have their day dream regardless of whether their parent are rich or not. The worst is that stupid person and mad men still have dream of greatness. They do not think whether the means to achieve it is they or not. They go ahead with their dreams unlimited and not bothering how is going to achieved. So as they get old and mature, they start witness the harsh realities of life. That they fail to graduate when their mate are graduating.That their fiancee went and marry their best friend. The stock exchange market crash and their company fold. So when we get older and experience more disappointments, we gradually become more realistic and stop day dream. If you want to buy without money, this principle implies that you must go back to childish behaviour and start again day-dream. I mean if you can not use your imagination and begin to see yourself having and enjoying things that you can not afford physically speaking, then this blog post is not for you. Why am i saying this? the answer is that success is first on the inside before it display outside. Men of success are men who can see with their imagination, things and condition that are not already within their reach. By dreaming you cause it to become reality. For instance, Bill gate had dream of putting a personal computer in every home. Henry ford's dream was to mass produce cars so that an average man could afford one.Their dreams led to their success. Marthin luther king junior dreamt of an america where people would reach the best of their potentials without  being marginalized because of their colour. During his time the black men was marginalized and not allowed to maximize his/her ability because of his/her colour. Marthin luther king dreamt of a better united state of america and his dreams led him to start civil rights movement to empower blacks to stand up for their rights and take their place in the society. To day his dreams provoked Barrak Obama to aspire and contest for the highest position in america. To day a black man is the president of the united state of america. It all began with a dream.              

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